Theatre programmes and autobiographies: Year 7 & 8 tasks
Year 7 students recently completed their study of A Midsummer Night's Dream by creating theatre programmes for the play (pictured above). These were then distributed to their parents and guardians at the beginning of their Drama production of the play, which was performed after school on the final Monday of term.
Students were asked to include a character list, synopsis, fun facts and imaginary critic's review. One review read: "This production was extremely entertaining. It was full of chaos, love and confusion, combining to make this the play of a lifetime. A gripping plot and comedic touch promise a good laugh." Fun facts explained that the story actually takes place across four or five nights rather than one and that Samuel Pepys wrote the first-known piece of criticism on the play, calling it "the most insipid, ridiculous play that I ever saw in my life".
Elsewhere this term, Year 8 students celebrated the work they had each put into their autobiography projects (pictured below). Tasks along the way included writing poems about themselves, interviewing older relations, creating timelines of their life events, describing their favourite places, writing evocative descriptions of their earliest memories and penning letters to their future selves explaining the three items they had chosen to store in a time capsule.